Wednesday 30 April 2014

Top 5 Toys - Michael Skattum

Portland artist Michael Skattum shares his super rad Top 5 with us today!

(Psssttt sometimes if you're lucky you can spot his Slimebat toy over at Monster Worship)

"I don't really have an insane collection, but I chose to go the route of "top 5 toys under 6 inches." It was fun to break out the camera and revisit some of these weirdos. I like all of my toys, and buy them specifically because I enjoy them and/or get inspired by them, so consider this list to be all #1's when it comes down to it."

5) Ghosts n Goblins by Gargamel (Wonderfestival '06)

"I really appreciate Gargamel's toys when it comes to tradition, paint application, and sculpt. These blank toys are one of my all time favourites. The sculpts are flawless, the characters are from one of my favourite games, and the box art/packaging is an amazing tribute to the actual Famicom box that the game came in. I'm also a sucker for videogame related toys. I randomly messaged a guy on flickr who had these a couple years ago, and got these for retail."

4) Popy Okozeruge

"Barom-1 has some of the craziest kaijin designs when it comes to hero shows, and this scorpionfish demon is no exception. These midsize popy figures are tough to come by, and I had the chance to trade Bwana Spoons a toy and some cash for this guy recently. I've never really had the money to snatch up any vintage Barom-1 toys when I saw them, so I had to jump at the opportunity to get this guy for my collection. Great classic paint, vintage play wear, and a perfect size in my opinion."

3) Jinmen-ju by Uzumark

"Came upon this toy in a trade for an older Ilu Ilu toy. This toy has great texture, wonderful packaging, and a fun size to boot. 5 stars across the board."

2) Musasabian by Bullmark

"This is a midsize Bullmark villain from Lion-Maru. He may look like an orange peel monster, but he is actually a flying squirrel kaijin. I love his minimal paint and sculpt, the demon grin always make me laugh."

1) MA-BA Zombies

"Kind of cheating, but this whole line of toys is my favourite. I only have one complete set from series 2, and one toy from series 1, but these are the coolest things to me. Crazy sculpts, minimal and effective paint, keshi accessories that were supposed to ooze out of openings in the toys, amazing packaging, and nice 90s ooze/monster/gross out stuff. These nearly 2 inch toys pack a punch."

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